Our River Barriers - Project Update


Ocean pollution is like a kitchen sink overflowing with water: we can bail it out all we want, but if we really want to solve the problem, we must turn off the tap. Eighty percent of the trash that enters our oceans comes from 1,000 of the world’s most polluted rivers, most of which are located in Southeast Asia. Most of the trash that enters these big rivers comes from approximately 4,000 smaller tributaries.

That’s why the PANGEA Movement has come up with a plan to stop garbage before it ever reaches the ocean. The solution is to place floating river barriers in the tributaries that feed the polluting rivers.

We’ve recently begun making our own river barriers, and soon, we’ll place river barriers in Padang. Padang was chosen in part because the depth, width, and flow of the tributaries there are ideal for river barrier placement, but also because there are already green organizations there. We want to support the local community and encourage them to take action.

 This effort was funded by our blockchain token, the PANGEA Ocean Cleanup Coin ($POC). The token will help us achieve our mission to install 16,000 river barriers in 1,000 of the world’s most polluted rivers. Every barrier location is strategically chosen to maximize our impact. Together, we will stop massive amounts of trash which would end up in the sea, damaging marine life and the future of our environment.